Recent projects and inspections Rusty has successfully managed including a 3 million gallon water tank project in Benicia; a 2 million gallon tank project in the city of Elkgrove; two 1.3 million gallon water tank projects in Sierra Madre; three 1 million gallon tanks in the Pechanga Indian Reservation; a half-million gallon tank project for Santa Clarita Water; a 2.5 million gallon water tank project for the city of Fullerton; one 5 million gallon water tank project for Coachella Valley Water; and two 2 million gallon tank projects for Quail Valley. Notable projects include various storage tanks for Chevron/Texaco and 19 tanks for the Brinderson Company. Rusty continues to expand his list of successful projects and inspections.
Rusty earned the title of NACE Coating Inspection Technician, then earned the Level 2 title of Coating Inspector. Later that same year in 2003, he earned the prestigious title of a Level 3 Certified NACE Coating Inspector. Since earning his NACE III Certification, Rusty has been conducting coating inspections for various water companies around California.
In 2004 Rusty was certified for T-Lock inspection through Ameron and was granted a contract with LA County to inspect T-Lock for multiple sewage manhole projects around the city of los Angeles, Since this time Rusty has worked with several manhole Builders throughout the La Basin area inspecting Manholes and sewage treatment facilities.
Rusty is equipped with all of the necessary field instrumentation for all projects. He has used and has extensive experience with the following tools to ensure proper inspections of all coatings; wet mill gauge, took gauge, dry film thickness gauge, moisture meters, pull off adhesion test, and holiday detectors. Rusty has considerable inspection experience in both fabrication shops and the field. Field work inspections have included structural steel, tank interiors and
exteriors, pipelines, & entire facilities. Rusty has completed coating inspections for all the major tank builders in California on many different occasions; Pacific Tank, Paso Robles Tank, West Coast Industrial Coatings, CB&I, Spiess Construction, & Crosno Tank. Rusty has become very familiar with these company’s and how each of their operations work. His professionalism has earned his recommendation for several projects.
Rusty works at jobsites to assure that the entire coating project is correct and in accordance with the specifications and good coating practice, including ambient conditions and surface preparations through final coating dry film thickness and curing. Rusty has worked with several different types of coating materials including epoxies, alkyds, acrylics, coal tar enamels, coal tar cut backs, vinyls, urethanes, inorganic zincs, T-Lock, Arrow lock and other generic types of coating. His experience with surface preparation techniques includes airless, plural component, and conventional operations in abrasive blasting, shop and field operations on subtrates including steel, concrete, masonry and others.
In addition, his firm specializes in OSHA compliance with years of experience in administering instructional safety meetings, teaching training courses and conducting site safety inspections, covering the following completed courses:
Confined Space Entry (CFR 1910.146); Lead Awareness (CFR 1926.62); Electrical Safety (CFR 1910.303.306); Asbestos Awareness Training; Emergency Response (CFR 1910.120); Ergonomics, Fire Prevention (CFR 1910.38,.155,.165); First Aid and Blood borne Pathogens (CFR 1910.151.1030); Forklift Training (CFR 1910.178); Hazard Communications (CFR
1910.1200); Lifting Techniques, Lockout/Tag out (CFR 1910.147); Scaffold Training, Machine Guarding (CFR 1910.212); Eye Protection (CFR 1910.132.133); Foot Protection (CFR 1910.132.136); Hand Protection (CFR 1910.132.138); Hearing Conservation (CFR 1910.95); Respiratory Protection (CFR 1910.132.13; Accident Investigation Reports Completed;
Safety manuals audited for SB198 compliance and updated as needed.